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write to let me know where she was before this time. It has been a very windy after noon. I was afraid it was going to blow over my tomato plants, the tallest ones so I have staked them they are growing fast especially the ones on the other side of the path beside of the grape vine. none of them are blossomed but they are most big enough to.

 There are lots of robins around the yard + they feed their young. a flock of crows were there hunting for them early this morning back of McGarreys. our robins over in the Cordelia tree are not large enough to tumble out the nest the same as they did last year, but I expect some thing will happen to them later on. Tell the baby that Grandma liked her picture she sent + thank you very much. I am sending little girls + boys who are having their pictures taken to send to their Grandma's.