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Stoughton June 21st 1932

Dear Doris
This is the worst day we have had yet South wind + very muggy the sun is partially shut in. your bundle came this afternoon + I have just opened it up. it will give me something to think of + a little to do. I love to sew as you know its nice fine cloth + easy to work on. the towels are very useful + good but don't send any tablecloths as my dining room drawer's full of them + I only use them for company. Pa soils them + I have the oil cloth one I can keep cleaner. don't waste any more on me.

I have written to Lena + Alice this morning + they went out this afternoon, Pa comes down out of the chambers often today + peeks in + sees me writing letters + says "for God's sake". he does not want to be busy, as his time hangs heavy on his hands. poor creature, I feel that a shower may work up any minutes its hot air.
I ought to go down after spinnage but its to hot, perhaps it may cool off before night. I don't tell Pa now a days when I am going + he does not always find out I am gone. it is such hard work to get away + I have to answer too