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Mrs. Fiechee is working selling corsets. she is doing pretty well + they are putting up a chore house, (her money.)so Myrtie says, down to Dennis. It looks as though we might have more showers lots of clouds seudding around. I bought the last box of Rainham strawberries this morning. they are going by so the fruit man said. I thought they looked good + one more box I thought would not go amis. I told Pearl 'the boy could go up the tree + get the cherries. he bought me over enough for a pie. they are too sour for anything but to cook. so tomorrow I will make a pie + wish you could have some too the robins get the biggest share of them. always. its a great deal cooler than it was earlier in the day. fearful muggy when I went downtown this morning.Pa dont step a foot out of doors + even wants me to bring in the papers for fear someone will see him. he is great for peeking. comes still + peeks in to see what I am doing. funny