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[[margin]] PS Mary Toomey is sitting over in the serving couch with Addie Ballentine she is intimate with her, they have style & thats [[that's]] what she likes


June 26th 1932

Dear Doris

A nice warm day I have read most of the time after washing our clothes. Pa has just come down to tell me not to make any fire towards getting any supper for him. & then goes up stairs again he stays there most of his time. he slept two hours after dinner.

I thought surely we would get rain last night, but only a few drops was the limit. the fire alarm sounded twice during the night & once this afternoon. we should have rain before the 4th. I have to wet down my seeds every night, as the plants would dry up otherwise. my stock is growing. its [[it's]] in the center of the little square bed. I am sorry to say Dykeman has not begun to paint the old house yet. I go over every day to see it. I notice Bruce has a nice