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looking brown truck with Pareels [[written]] on the side
I don't know where he is located he does not live here in town ^ [[superscript]] throu the week [[/superscript]] his daughter graduated a year ago. she is nice looking + I guess smart. I don't think she is working though, the young lad goes to school.
The baker pointed out a blue jays nest going up on our piazza the other day. I had not noticed it before, he said the jays would take care of it, no cat would dare to touch it, but I think they will get it at night, time will tell. darn old cats I hate them. I hope you are having cooler weather. its cool here in the sitting room, but the sun is terrible.
Talbot came to see Pa Friday. he stayed quite a while from three until five o'clock + I never saw him so talkative, he was feeling pretty jolly + some how it did not affect Pa. I got supper as soon as he went + he did not seem very nervous from his visit. he always shouts tobacco the kind Pa eats + that's what they like. Ma