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information but they could not get it from him as he told them he could not talk with them. & that spoilt his nap but he will make it up later. he woke at three this morning so I went into the front chamber & finished out my nap. in that way I usually get in plenty of sleep. later on you will put the little one off in a separate room by herself & then you will get your allowance of sleep I hope. it has been a hard job to bring her up so far & probably its going to pay in the end. she is a terrible persistent little mortal & fond of her own way & bound she will have it whether or no. 
I was much surprised this morning to receive a letter from Alice. it seems she is taking care of an old lady 90 years old who lives in North Easton of good family & she likes Lincoln is their name. she is earning good money & likes her job. they have a nice home & plenty to do with. so I guess she will stick.