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June 22nd 1932

Dear Doris,

A sunless day but cooler than yesterday. it looks a little like showers. I think a good rain might help out about now in gardens. the grape blossoms are sending out their fragrance in the back yard. I always like the perfume of these blossoms it carries me back to my childhoods days & going to school, that 7 the sweet brick rose, they were on my way going over bridge hill to school & by the old brook there by the old Dickerman place.

Mystic called me up to tell me about the funeral up to the cemetery. she & Alice were there & a crowd of folks from Monston where Wallace preached so many years. Chasly Welck, Jimmie Lehan, Johnnie Furrel & a lot more that used to know Wallace years ago. he died of pneumonia. (Ralph)
I expect a man to come this afternoon after the old express wagon & I may have a chance to get something else disposed of but I don't just right about doing so if he is not