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PS Since I wrote this. I heard an awful crash + come to find out there was too cars that came together up at this corner. as near as I can find out there was no one killed. once car lays on its side Gertrude called up the Police + theres a big crowd. no one killed but an old woman hurt + their new car badly damaged + in the other car two girls who were thrown out. a bad corner something should be done. their car has been towed down street by a truck. Addie told me about the accident she has a good head but a deformed body too bad we have just been to support + its sort of hazing up. Oh I wish it might rain. Ma
Stoughton June 12th 1932

Dear Doris

Another cool morning hot sun + dry atmosphere. The robins are feeding their young running over the backyard + nature goes on in spite of obsticles [[obstacles]] in her way. 

I have managed to get Pa into clean clothes + old ones washed out & drying in the sun on the back line out of site of Sunday followers to sabbath worchip [[worship]]. The bells of the churches are ringing out their mornful [[mournful]] melodies. but no poor Jack to answer them with his dismal howl. 
Afternoon. we are rested our naps have been taken every thing is quiet about the house. Pa has eaten half a custard pie + has gone up stairs to have another nap I think. I have been mending his shirt ready to do up tomorrow. 

Mary Toomey is very chummy with the Ballentines. they go riding togather [[together]]. the old woman knows they cant get the boys, they are not for marrying. I should think her Gertrude would catch a beau, she is very facinating [[fascinating]] + pretty. but her mother says that girls have to wait to be asked. I told her if a girl was any ways tactful, she could get asked I thought. Gordon was anxious to get her after he lost his wife.