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Stoughton June 10th 1932
Dear Doris
This is a day just right for comfort neither too
warm or cold. Harris has just been here to shave Pa a job not very dear to his heart. Everything is drying up for want of rain lawns that are not watered & so we can save expense in a way. for the last two nights there has been no dew even. I hate such a summer. N. England seems destined every year for such dry spells. I am glad now I did not try to raise any vegitables. tomatoes do better in a dry spell, so if I have tomatoes I can live all right & I dont care. I got some native strawberries of the the Brockton team
but they were .25 a big box though. they were very poor no more for me this year. Pa is cold he hovers over the fire last week was so hot.
now this week is cold. he took his winter under flannels off in the wrongtime surely. yesterday he was stirred up over having the grass cut. & even came out to the little house to see
where the old horse was. I was here in the building seeing to Mike & his work, so he would not excite Pa, but no use he was keyed clear up to the highest pitch. when any one
is around it gets me terrible nervous & I cant get to sleep