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Pa says that it will have to be paid for he wont do things for nothing. I may give him a dollar or two when he get it all down over to the old place & all, he is terrible poor & out of work & used up in his back since his accident.

Ralph saw him & sent him here so Maude thought & told him, they are good to us. & I am glad its down & the rest over to the other place he said he would get next week. its good grass & quite heavy over there. last year it was too dried up.

Pa has calmed down & eating his supper, but nothing is right with him, the same as anything done on the place nothing is ever done right. the poor man does not see its his head thats wrong.

One more job accomplished now I want to pay Louie for the painting of the old place and Ill be satisfied the money is laying here idle & I dont want it here in the house there is to much risk. so let me have my way this time if no other & we will call it square
