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PS Pa was unconvinced about the chair I covered Monday. he thought I was lying when he asked me who covered it & I told him I did. he wouldnt [[wouldn't]] believe me & got mad over it

Stoughton June 8th 1932

Dear Doris

Another cool day with sunshine now & then. I am sitting out beside the seringa bush in the reclining chair I covered Monday. There are lots of clouds scudding overhead but its warm when the sun shines out, at other times too cool for comfort. we got just a few sprinkles of rain out of yesterdays storm. but I suppose every little helps.

I have not planted anything in the garden but tomatoes, they have taken all the land I spaded up on both sides of the path & I am not going to bother about doing any more the team comes around with fresh vegitables & for what few things we need. I can easily get. its mighty hard work to spade up the ground it lames my back. & beside I don't like tugging over manure from the barn cellar, thats also's hard. Whats [[what's]] bothering me most is trying to get some one to mow the grass over at the old place & rip & down the path back of our place. I called up Maude to see if they could get in touch with Mike Williams, who does it every year & they get him to mow theirs in back of their house or did last year. she says Ralph could tell him she thought he might