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PS He always reads your letters but says he cant remember them two minutes after he reads them he wants to carry them up stairs to read by himself & Lenas letters the same. he don't know that I covered that chair as I did it out doors. Ma

Stoughton June 6th 1932

Dear Doris

A nice cool morning after yesterdays hot day thunder shower at three O'clock this mornin relieved the situation & the rain it brought was also a great benefit. this hot sun dries up the ground in no time.

My windows & doors are open to catch all the good air of the early morning. the roses are in bloom out front. & my oriental poppies are most blossomed out, over in George McGarveys yard they are red & they look much better for the rich soil they grow in. another year mine will do better I hope.

The tomato plants are beginning to get a start. they are growing & they are better to be small they tell me. I am fertilizing every day. this rain has been good for everything. seeds & plants are doing fine.

Pa has been out doors onto the ground. miracles will never cease. it was this way. I wanted the dining room windows taken off, so I got the ladder out & was taking them off quietly when on looking down there stood Pa holding the ladder & worried over what I was doing. I told him just