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I took our winter coats that I had blown out on the back line & gave them a good brushing & then sprayed them 7 put them away for the summer. I see an occasional miller now & then but they are not as plentiful as they were last year. then they were breeding in the bed in the north chamber. but there are none in there this year, all owing to spraying.

There is no sign of any shower as yet but theres little more air. we have just had our daily naps. & its one o'clock. my chambers are pretty warm I don't see how he can bear to stay up there as he does. its [[it's]] much cooler in the sitting room. but wild horse can't induce him to sit down here for a minute. or to step foot on to the ground, he says hes [[he's]] ashamed to have people see him. the pictures came yesterday. The one where Sidney got ready to scratch his nose, was the best one of him & the one where the baby was sitting on the log was the best of you two. none were as good as common.

Jim says that Toby has got home & is living with his family again. he is not seen much by the neighbors though. he lost his place & guess dont amount to very much. Its [[It's]] used up his mother. Anna Wonk is there with the family a great deal. Mrs. Toby is a smart little woman & guess too good for him. he ran off with his secretary & lost respect of people in town. his wife also I should think. Hope you are not having it too hot today. but its so here. Ma