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Stoughton June 3rd 1932

Dear Doris
A cloudy day, I wish it might rain & before night it may. It sprinkled a bit while I went to the store after some sugar just now. Harris has been here & shaved Pa he comes every Friday & it has to do for a week.
Bruce has not showed up yet with the rent money but he may by the middle of the month. as I asked his wife for it the 16th of May.
Jim [[Bafren]] has just been over to see Pa he is used up with his breech poor man. he looks bad. & Mary is all bent up double. she does not go only when she rides in the car. Both old & infirm. Jim said Kanute went up to Boys over the holiday Mrs Sandham went too his next door neighbor, they are very much attached to one another since her husband died.
The iris are in bloom now with us every where they make a good showeng as Jim says as you ride off there are lots of them & they are very showy. I never ride so I have to imagine it they are in their prime.