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Stoughton June 2nd 1932

Dear Doris

I went down early to mail your bundle + you should get it by Saturday I think. the box of crocuses arrived to day + I have planted them under the kitchen window thanks for them.
This is a glorious day nice cool air + pretty hot sun overhead. I keep the tomatoes wet down now untill they get to growing.
I was talking with Ms. Ballentine + she said that Frances Toomey did his mothers house work just like a girl. his mother could not bear to have a stranger come there to do work. she says he ought to go to work like other men + earn money she thought. Pa was frighted last night just as I was undressed to go to bed he had the nose bleed + it bled quite a little he wanted me to wait up untill it stopped. he was afraid he would bleed to death. it might have saved him from a shock. he has been terrible nervous + uneasy but since he had a nap he is quieted down.