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Stoughton June 1st 1932

Dear Doris,

I received all the cards & your letter before you started today. you were luck to have pleasant weather during your trip. we had a little thunder shower during the night but didnt ammount [[amount]] to much but I came down & turned of the radio to be safe. today it was warmer but good air stirring.

I have just finished the nighties & will start them down in the morning early. the might get these by Saturday night. Pa is very quiet today, he had a good nap after dinner he sleeps well nights also. my clams agreed with him nothing seems to hurt him & he eats well. he knows when I have custard or cream washington pie & have to carry it down cellar to have a taste myself. it goes pretty fast.

Our iris has begun to blossom. lilacs are gone, to bad they dont last longer. my seeds are coming fast, since these occasional showers. my oriental poppies are most out they look thrifty. two beds of them this year to blossom.

I find that shrub out side of the barbery hedge beside the road that Lena gave me the one she rooted