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Stoughton May 26th 1932

Dear Doris

It has cleared off & been all day doing it. we had a nice rain, two or three thunder storms & then it rained a great deal all through the night, so that it wet down considerably. I thought it would'nt be a better time, so this morning I set out over forty tomato plants & just as far as I could dig down the ground was very wet. After I came in my stockins and shoes were so wet, that I had to change them for dry ones. but I was glad to have the job over even so. an old yellow cat came up and looked at me from the old stump. I felt so mad I fired a stone at her & hit her in the jaw & away she skooted without any more adieu. I had not forgotten about the little nest of robins they had robbed. 

Pa seems quiet to day he just came down to eat his supper. Harris came up & shaved him & I went up & had my nap as Pa was entertained down there just long enough for me to get a couple of winks unmolested. he does not seem sleepy some days & then other times he does. but he sleeps all night sound, so I cant find much fault. I am glad you get two days off over Sunday as it will be a nice