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Stoughton  May 22nd 1932

Dear Doris

The wind changed during the night so to day its nice & cool a fire seems comfortable in the kitchen stove. I have been busy all the morning. I tried to get Colcord but he is busy on a big truck so his wife told me. I dont seem to have any luck in finding any one who wants a job, but perhaps some one may turn up. if I knew who to ask it would be some thing.

The pictures came they were a surprise. I can see that the baby has grown large & tall. the one on the rocks especially. I liked those on her little hobby horse, really they were the best pictures. clearer than the others. but they were all pretty good.

I managed to get Pa's clothes changed with out any trouble comparitively [[comparatively]], then I washed them all out even to his pants, they were very dirty & it was a good day to blow them out. theres considerable wind stirring to day. then I pressed them out while they were damp. Now I am going to get dinner & rest up we were not lucky in getting a drop of rain last night, it did look like it & they prophysied showers through the night, but we did not get them.

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Since I wrote the letter the little Leonard boy & Arthur
Dykemans boy has brought me up my bird bath & even set it up for me, Will painted it green on the outside & it is fine just what I always wanted. the bowl I can lift out & clean & it sits in an Iron water pipe painted dark green. they have gone home after some white stones to put in the bowl for the birds to rest on now
isn't that fine, I always wanted
one & now I have got my wish.
God is good darned if he isn't.
Gregory came tonight & took off 
some of the windows & put on the two screen doors & is coming as soon as he can to take off the rest of the windows he says unless he gets too fat he will put them on again this fall he is good & I like him very much.