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Stoughton May 20th 1932

Dear Doris
We are having nice cool weather sunny everything but rain "all signs fail in daytimes"

I went downtown early so to get home before time to get dinner. since I planted the rest of my seeds petunias & poppies. then I watered them. hope to see them coming up soon.

Your check came this morning but I expect Bruce to pay every day his wife said that he was working. twenty dollars I have & I dont hear a word from young Colcord, he could at least call one up I should think, they were queer people, the old man especially.

We are waiting for Eddie Harris to come and shave Pa so we can have our naps. he is always late. & it frets Pa as he is tired after his dinner & likes his nap & so do I. At quarter past three he has just left, its a hard thing shaving him, his face is so thin. Pa says it pulls on him so its got to stop. everything is wrong its growing on him more & more I fail to know where its going to stop. he says he is all to pieces to day. he ate well this noon, but thats got to stop so he says. he is certainly looking worse to day. I guess