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Stoughton May 19th 1932

Dear Doris

I will begin my letter now although there is nothing of interest to tell you. The two letters & check came this noon. we are having a cool day, but hot sun & no rain. I am writing out side I see Pa at the window up stairs looking down at me as I write. he won't step his foot out of the house for love or money. the sun would warm him up. its a freak & he is stubborn about his eating. I did manage to get a few dandelions down but not enough to do him any good. I eat them every day & they keep me just right they are good cold on bread & butter also.

While I was at Morts calling I had a chance to see over to Horace Lowes house & I saw Flossie in her back yard she is very lame & goes with a cane. but Anna said that she managed to do her work but took her two meals with Millard up stairs. they say that Iva Low, Millards wife carries things with a high hand. she bosses him right around & even slaps his face, thats a fact Mort said. he takes every thing she says & does as all right. Mort said that Iva was disappointed to think Flossie did'nt die at the time she was so sick when her husband did.