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that young bitch then will spread worse than ever. Arthur Lowes wife is in the hospital they say she is nice. I guess they may have something to say about things then. I never liked the appearance of Iva Burrel she always had that hard mouth. which told the story plain enough to me.

Maud had new drapery curtains in the dining room & up stairs in her front chambers. they were very pretty she has nice things, all her house needs is someone to do the work not a bed made in her house. but the down stairs rooms looked fairly well. she has a lame back & Georgie Perkins is rubbing it, she says that its feeling much better.

Georgie goes out treating people, she doctors Bertha Upham & has got Mrs. McGarvey so she walks all around the neighborhood tattling. her own health has picked right up since she got into that business, she never was as well before she told me. she has taken on a longer leas [[lease]] of life, with her mediumistick propensities. I am glad there is anything good thats come to her. for she is deserving of an easier life poor thing. Pa came down to supper chuck full of his gloom but I am used to hearing in fact its all I hear there may be an end to it sometime he certainly lives in hell if any one ever did. peace be his lot sometime he is not deserving of this life. Ma