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Stoughton May 11th 1932

Dear Doris

Another hot day but the wind now is changed into the west + a bit cooler. the paper says rain + I hope it does we need it now I have just got my plants all in the ground + most of the seeds planted. my seabiosis planted once a week ago are coming up under the front window in a sunny place. Lena sent some poppy seeds to Maude + those you sent, I have planted in this little square bed  they are in the center, stoeks are tall plants, so if they come up they can grow + not shade the others. It looks some like rain hazing up. I have been cleaning out the stone the draft was poor all the forenoon + I found the little door where we clean out the ovens was down, I had a job getting it back, but finally did. Pa came down in the midst of it, but I made him go back as he was no help if he staid. so now I am all fixed. I washed my scalp and feel much relieved. my hair had turned pretty white this winter + washing it shows it more than ever. I begin to feel old in more ways than one. I can't do things that I want to. my courage is good be we all have to ease up sooner or later. but I must not complain for I'm lucky to be as well as I am, work never fazed me. I never want to be idle as long as there