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Stoughton May 13th 1932

Dear Doris

The storm is on for today + I guess is much needed your letter has just arrived + came unopened you forgot to seal it + also forgot to put in the check to but never mind I will pay it when I take mine out which I have fully decided to do as its nothing but a bother it will stop his worrying if nothing more. he has worried over the loss of the check that was'nt [[wasn't]] in the letter, till I am about crazy. one would think it was a million instead of one dollar that you forgot to put in. 

I have just told him to go up stairs + to bed + forget it so he did. I warmed up the house this morning, but he turned off the heat before it got really comfortable. he would rather freeze than have it go on as it takes but a little to make him crazy.

I have got a lot of those "scylla" blossoming in the garden but they are white. I should think all those bulbs we planted lived. the tulips were bright red + darwins long stemmed. another year they ought to do well I have got in new