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Stoughton May 11th 1932

Dear Doris.

Another cool pleasant day + partly cloudy this after noon. I have been sweeping up the cellar + straightening out things, trimming my butter cup bush which is beginning to blossom. my rosebushes are coming out in leaves since the last rain & the clove bush scents up the yard.

I dug dandelions & had them for dinner. I got two butter fish for .20 & we only ate one for our dinner yesterday, so with the second one I made a chowder, which we had for todays dinner & had enough left for dinner tomorrow I just love fish chowder. & I made a rhubarb pie Pa was eating that as if he liked it. pie is a rarity here. it has been pudding lately. I will make a custard tomorrow which he will also like.

My neighbor Miss Ballentine, has just come out with a rake & is preparing to have a bon fire in her back yard. I should think it too windy. I hope Pa wont [[won't]] get crazy over it now. we need a rain things are getting dry & a fire would go wild. I have not seen Myrtie lately she has not been up I should think she would try to get a chance to earn money Alice has