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talk with me frequently. I guess he thinks he might have been partly to blame while they were growing up. the [[underline]] old bitch [[/underline]] never looks up when I meet her face to face. she is very ignorant. Mrs Tom Wood came in to tell me about her dog, that she said Mrs McGarvey was telling around the neighborhood bit Elizabeth's baby & she said [[underline]] they [[/underline]] told her that [[underline]] they [[/underline]] werent [weren't] sure whose dog did it. she was bitter against Mrs Garvey & called her an old tattler. I told her she was ignorant. its a great wonder that she did not make all her children theives [thieves], as she herself once said "she never could make John steal," the one who died. I noticed by the paper that Isabelles husband who married the Rosilea Tolman, had moved into the Geo Wales house with Ethel Jaquin. I guess they were glad to get away from the crazy family on the corner, Mary Reynolds & Gertie they are [[underline]] terrible [[/underline]]. unsafe to be at large.

About the summer nighties for the little one I have none of the cloth left I made it all up into your chemise so you will have to send it when you send the winter nightie I am writing this in the museum where my tomatoes are being sunned too cool to put them outside in the wind I hope we dont have a frost out of it. Ma