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Stoughton May 6th 1932

Dear Doris
This has been a nice day but clouded up in the afternoon & after was grew chilly. same as it does in May all kinds of weather through this month we must expect.

Talbot came up this afternoon & I think Pa really enjoyed him. he always asks him for a plug of tobacco. so he always comes prepared. he said he helped the Editor of the Cronicle out a bit, by putting in some of his writing an article he knew about.

I feel tired to night as I failed to get my nap this noon. Harris was coming to shave Pa this being the day & he was late & did not get here untill long after twelve. so it nocked us both out of our sleeps.

I have been digging around my plants out side, then after he came I mended & since supper I cleaned Pa's old pants & pressed them so he could put them on in the morning. & in that way have managed to keep pretty busy ever since I got up. I did washing early in the day & cleaned up the house, had out all my rugs. tomorrow probably I will loaf. I want to get some reading matter so then I may keep quiet & rest up. but now I am working on my nerves. & have got to for get my self a bit.