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It certainly looks like a storm Talbot says his cherry & plumb trees are in full bloom & they look fine. our apple trees are not out yet but the magnolia down below are blossomed. the lilac are just budded they are rather late this year.

The leaves on our forest trees have made great strides since last Sundays rain. I was sorry Aunt Molly & husband were still up against it. Ralph thinks he should go to work, but it may not be his fault. he has a brother I believe in New York, Sid has done his part by them & let some one else take a hand now. 

I think the baby is a little talker, but she dont take that from you or Sid. but Mrs Cutting talks a lot & guess she has learnt it. they do catch things when they are small. 

There are three birds nests going up near the house. birds are coming. brown thrasher made his appearance this week. & the patridge wood pecker is here but the cat bird & oriole have not been seen yet. there are plenty of crows early in the morning. 

I am sorry you are so worried over your financial affairs, it will be some time before they will be settled & hope it wont be as bad as you think. well this is all there is to day


PS. May storm started in the night. glad I did not have the outside windows taken off