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May 5th 1932

Dear Doris

I have been down to Arthur Dykemans to pay him the .50 I owed him so long & Kate gave me a lilly. she had out in her rock mound. the factory people dumped their stuff in their back yard & in that way its enabled them to clear the whole of that meadowy place in back of their house & now he has a gararge there & Kate has grown flowers all around the house. that land is just damp enough for everything to thrive & the soil is very rich.

While down there I noticed they had a bird bath. & after I spoke of it Kate said her boy got it & made its under pinning out of an old pipe, she said that where it came from they had a quantity of them in their cellar & I said I had always wanted one. so I think perhaps they may bring one up for me. Kate is always so much for giving to others. Today I have been out a good share of the time I have planted sunflower seeds around in different places for the birds. Alice sent them to me in her letter they came from Roys.

As I came by John Rhodes house she came out & inquired after Pa & said her husband fell & broke his ribs. he is very miserable & the Dr says that she may go before he does. high blood pressure is her trouble.