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I had a letter from Alice she has gone back to Everett to rest. 

Charles has work only three days in the week & Gladys lost her job by the man E.E. Fray selling out & the new firm discharging the old help & hiring new, protistants were the first to go.

The leaves are growing fast through the back yard by two days more they will mak quite a shade. everything is coming now fast since Sundays rain. I got some nice parsnips down town one lb for five cents. so we will have three kinds of vegetables for tomorrows dinner. we havent eaten meat for two months Pa does not care for it neither do I. Puddings I make for deserts [[desserts]] a bread pudding we had today he likes sweets & cookies he eats between meals I dont think the sweets hurt him - what harm does it do its his only comfort eating, so why fret. his digestion was always better than mine. Every body goes when their time comes & not before. I certainly think- 

Dont work too hard cleaning house. Ralph said he was cleaning out his cellar Sunday & sowing grass seed. Maud was going home & write to Aunt Molly. I told them they were up against it. & he said why dont he find work & not live on her I did not say any thing about your helping them. but I did say that he could not find work & they were blue. they seem to think because they have a good job in the C'Op bank other folks need not have any trouble. but there are lots of people out of employment & I dont know how they stand it. hard times & still more of it Ma