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[[top margin]] PS The wind changed in the night & its [[it's]] going to be cooler today. I have got Pa to shift his clothes a job. Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton May 2nd 1932

Dear Doris

This has been the most wonderful day & I hate to have the sun go down. such good air after the storm of yesterday it certainly wet down & softened up the soil wonderfully. 

I was out to night spading up the soil for tomatoes & Peter was over on his land digging up stones he came over to ask me if I would be willing to let him dig up a white maple he had in view for his place. I told him to help him self to one anytime. he said he would next week. 

I have been working out most all day. first I dug dandelions then it took a long time to clean them & after wards I spaded up the garden. this afternoon I planted flower seeds. although it is rather early. but the ground is just damp enough to sprout them & its warm now, so perhaps before the cold storm they may get sprouted.

Pa has been up stairs all day comes down just to eat & putter around & fuss a little then goes up. he wont go out doors & wild horses cant drag him out side. he is waiting for them to come & take us - a freak that hang to him persistently 

Maude brought me some of her spring flowers hyacinths & pansies while they were here the little Dykeman boys came