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[[top margin]] PS Ralph & Maude were here & I gave him the C'op bank dues. & Pa said it was useless keeping it up & raised a great rumpus after they were gone. so I don't know whether its to continue or not. he does it now every time.  Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton May 1st 1932

Dear Doris, 

Today we are having a gentle spring rain, which is much needed to bring along vegitation & also stop the woods fires that are going on around us every where.

We have had two exceedingly warm days & I think this month we will get rains in abundance I have just got the last of my flower beds spaded up & added soil from other parts of the premises, in order to enrich the beds & hope to get the tomato patch thourally loosened up before the end of the month as it is sometime before they will have to be put in.

I went down town yesterday forenoon unbeknown to Pa & he did not happen to know that I went, so there was once I felt that I was very lucky. it is such a job to answer the same old questions. "what you going for"? "what you going to get"? got any money"? "no not a darn cent." that I am glad to avoid it for once. I feel like a caged monkey & long for liberty to come & go as I used to, its nerve racking. 

We have just had our dinner of baked potato, asparagus, & baked rice pudding. now its eleven O'clock we had our breakfast at six so our dinner is early on that account. the trees are showing a little green, leaves since this mornings rain Ma