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Stoughton April 28th 1982.

Dear Doris

The ground froze again last night & its been a cold wind all day although the paper said it was going to warm up to day. but think by tomorrow the wind will get out of the cold quarter & then it will be warmer.

I have been out digging & puttering around. blowing out blankets & bedding & getting ready for summer, which is not far distant. the grass is growing green & reminding me of lawn mowing time altogather [[altogether]] soon.

Outside windows & screen doors are next to begin to consider. I see the rhubarb is starting. Last year Lena was boss of the ranch & she said rhubarb pies or sauce were not to be thought of, as there was too much injurious acid in connection with it. although I had always heard them tell that it was considered very healthy food. I mean to have some this year as it always agreed with my stomac [[stomach]] & digestion to a T.

Never mind what is one mans medicine is another ones poison. Lena is too much for thinking about food that does not agree with people. there is but one life to live & anything one likes & craves what's the use to deny our selves of. I don't think its poison to me any way.