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Stoughton April 22nd 1932

Dear Doris

Another nice warm day. the leaves are coming out on our shrubs & the foicithia [[forsythia]] bushes are are growing yellow with blossoms. 

The daffodills [[daffodils]] are coming out all around the house, this warm sunshine after so much rain is bringing things ahead. I manage to do a little raking every day but its tiresome to keep at it long.

I have been out since supper & dug some dandelions enough for a little mess for tomorrows dinner. I suppose there are plenty in the market, but they are pretty high priced, & later on there are lots around the house.

I cleaned the front room & did up the curtains. & so thats [[that's]] another room done, the back rooms are yet to tackle. After ten O'clock Alice, Charlies wife, walked in. Sewall brought her once from Avon & she stayed till a little past eleven & he came & took her home again. 

I had my dinner on cooking baked potatoes & onions & a custard. Pa does not eat meat if I have it & so I don't buy any these days. one can get along just as

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