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Stoughton April 21st 1932

Dear Doris

This has been even a better day than yesterday. more sunny & warmer to night the moon fulls, wasnt  [[wasn't]] it a lovely moon all night last night?

I had to go downtown this afternoon & wore my heavy winter coat & I was pretty hot when I got home again, you better believe. & then I forgot the bread, so for supper I stirred up some griddle cakes. meal, flour, bran & molasses & milk for a change they tasted good, we made our full supper on them

Pa eats between times so much, that its no encouragement to get a great deal for either dinner or supper. so I have got so I have what I can get the handiest & let it go at that. 

If this weather continues our screens will be the next thing to think about putting on. but colder days will come yet a while longer. I hear the frogs every time I come accross [[across]] the field by the brook.

Alfred was not at the funeral Sunday he probably is too far off & could not get here. I guess Sue had money saved up enough to buy her she has said as much in times gone by.