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Stoughton april 16th 10th 1932
Dear Doris.
Partially cloudly & cool. I shall certainly be glad if the snowy chill ever gets out of the air & then mosquitoes will torment folks so which ever way one turns trouble is sure to follow.
about ten o'clock this afternoon the telephone rung & Perey said that Sue was very low in fact was in a coma & it was just a question of a little while that she would be here & he would keep me informed when she passed on. so about eleven he said she passed away funeral would be Sunday at the undertakers parlor.
I wrote to Gradys to inform Charlies folk as they requested me to do. the poor thing is at peace at last I trust. on my way home I stopped to Worts & found anna sitting up but not looking a bit well & he is taking care of her & doing the house work. they seemed glad I called.