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March 31st 1932

Dear Doris

I will begin the letter this afternoon as it has just begun to rain & weather reports say colder to night & warmer tomorrow. 

I went down town this forenoon so its lucky I did not wait until afternoon. I met [[Mystic/Myrtie?]] coming out of the store. she takes care of her mother & helps Alice do the errands down to the stores. Alice is not well she says.

She told of Berts writing a very nice letter to her mother. she said he spoke of her as at the sunset of life, in a very nice way & said it was a very well written letter & pleased them very much. I told her Bert had made good.

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PS  His ankles are no more swollen than common. I think I'le have Harris cut his hair. he is afraid it will cost too much. but never mind he look like a shetland pony now  Ma.

April showers to night we are through with March gales  I hope for good now. Pa is reading his paper. he is quiet to day. 
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