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Arthur L. Holmes
290 Walnut Street
Stoughton, Mass. March 31st 1932

Dear Doris 
This has been a fine spring like day with out the roaring wind accompaniment. Im an age to keep busy on foolish things about the house. I find my bulbs are coming, those where they are near the house even show buds. I separated my daffodills + this year they are budding. I believe they are prettiest of all. Do you remember the Burns'es dug this all up "they looked cheap", they put them up stairs + all dried up, the fools. Minnie [[?]] says that Lon Thompson is a very lonesome man. lives there all alone. Marnie his daughter, hasn’t been near him since last Xmas. he would commit suicide if he thought he would be with Tina, he says.  Minnie carries him some things to eat occasionally + he says she is better to him than his own daughter. she is kind hearted and does lots of kind deeds where people are needy, she said that Mrs. [[Rumrey?]] buried her sister she took care of her, she was most blind. her funeral was last Saturday from the funeral parlors.