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the ground covered with snow in the morning. it comes every other day & goes as quick as it comes almost. yesterday was the better day to dry clothes.

I have planted tomato seeds but none have come up. they were a paper I had in the house, last years seeds. if they dont come in a day or so, I will see if I can get any some where, but its rather early to find them now. no seeds have begun to come in yet. I expect you will have a call from Mrs Foss she will expect to see the baby but hope she does not kidnap her out of spite. I dont think the Duglas family really are anxious 

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for her visit. it will upset them, they have their hands full with their little one. 

It has just begun to snow but it may turn to rain later. The frogs wont peep this month, unless the weather changes pretty soon. our hot weather will come on all of a sudden when it does come & no nice spring days in between, as Talbot says, Spring began Sunday, a little past three. Pa is down from his roost and is after a little warm drink. he always asks Talbot for a little of his tobacco