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bible, but I did not patronize her. she was over come & [[stomae?]] upset she wanted me to give her a teaspoonfull of soda in a glass of warm water, which I did, she was over 60 years old & came from New Hampshire originally I liked her very much, but Pa was up stairs waiting to come down to dinner. & he was terribly out of patience with her. he does not want any body to come. but I enjoyed seeing some body to talk with even so. I get terrible lonesome sometimes, he dont have anything to day now from morning till night. & goes off by himself upstairs & yet he is not willing to have me leave the house he is afraid to be here alone. he sleeps & eats well. I suppose I ought to feel thankful he is quiet  & dont find fault with everything thats being done. his moods are very changeable from time to time. I don't know whether I shall plant any tomatoes in boxes or not, it will depend some on the weather t'is to cold to think of it now, but if the last of this month grows warmer I say. tomatoes are what I depend on mostly to keep my stomach right & we are very fond of them I never get sick of them there are so many ways of preparing them too. 
 I wrote to Lena yesterday & I am looking for one from Alice she may have thrown up her last job befor my letter reached her, as she was getting mighty tired of the people she was with. it wont be long before she will have to give up gong around doing house work. I fear Gladys then will have to make a home for her. none of the sons wives want her, too bad it is so but you can hardly blame them
Thurs morning grown warmer & ground covered with light covering of snow