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with his sled. I dont hear him making his noises either.
  I have just been out to the little building to look for those drawing blanks you spoke of in your letter + found a big pile of them so you need not worry for they are there in great package just as they were bought, with a brown paper still clinging to the squares. three or four hundred as a rough guess.
  The radio says cold weather tonight, the morning will get down to 15° above tomorrow morning + remain cold throughout Tuesday,+ warmer Wednesday. clouds were going over all day to day + not much seen.
   Frank Fischer is doing Ralphs painting + papering. Their dining room is being fixed the seeling [[ceiling]] whitened + walls papered with that new styled paper,looks like pictures. the same as the Ballentines dining room. I dont know what they call it. they get an extra room, leads out of the kitchen on the back side full of windows where the back house used to be. so in that way they will be benefitted from the fire. its a pretty place but I cant say the plan of it suites me. its too much house for them + too much to take care of needs servants + some one to care for the grounds when he gets it fixed up he ought to sell it + move into a smaller house easier to heat + take care of perhaps they will.         Ma                              This morning 10° above 0 + xtill, also pleasant, house is warm.