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Stoughton March 18th 1932

Dear Doris
  Today is a cold windy day. I washed out Pa’s clothes + got them dry, thinking it might be a stormy day in the morning, as the sky in the east this morning looked so pink. + its been cloudy by spells most of the day. as the day advances it grows cold. these snow clouds scudding over head bring cold weather. 
  Ralph + Maude came over about noon + stayed an hour. we had been  to dinner + Pa was waiting up stairs for me to come up to take a nap he heard us talking + so came down. Ralph seemed pleased to see him, + Pa talked with him some + he told him abou [[about]] who they had chosen in their bank meeting last night + who got left. + about the loans they had. Pa took a little interest, which pleased Ralph immensely. he misses him to talk over bank affairs + ask his advice the same as he used to. then they started off headed for Nantasket. Maude says she is worried about leaving the house since their fire before she never thought of any danger. a pretty good lesson she experienced + to some a costly one, but not so they perhaps will profit by it. us coming this time, in cold weather, was their only suffering they experienced. They have their good times riding + taking comfort as they go through life. + its well