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                              Stoughton March 11th 1932
Dear Doris.
      This is a great improvement on our previous weather. it does seem good to step outside without freezing & I have made up for lost time by going out twice to day. this I do think must be the last kick of winter. I hope your flowers & trees down there wont get a set back from it. nothing here was started. they do say that before this cold snap,   that the sap in the trees had not  gone down. I heard the men talking about it grape vines & every thing of the sort I should think they might stand more of a chance in bring winter killed through such a cold spell as we have just had now.
     The most of our snow has gone from such bright warm sunshine that has poured down on it today. hope we dont get any more this winter. I went to the bank this forenoon but I did not see Ralph in there. he is pretty busy these times.he takes his family down town to eat at the resturant three times a day. they dont want for variation. since he got the blinds on his house the place shows off pretty good. I noticed it  this morning as I coming home from down town. Pa has just got his paper to read. They are working on a clew now the "gobetweens" to the