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Lindbergh baby case have gone west after the child, they say its there safe & well. I hope it may be so. They are still holding that Johnson yet, so they must have some reason of suspecting him to have something to do about the abduction.
    I have washed my windows this afternoon but they dont look much better on account of the outside ones being streaked but never mind in another month or so they may come off.
     I genually begin cleaning my house the last of March I havent used my vacuum cleaner this winter. on account of its making Pa crazy. he & the baby cant bear to hear it buzz.
    It was too bad the baby thought so much of the new mattress. you should have taken her into  bed with you folks she was just childish over it.
    I had some hasty pudding for supper & it tasted pretty good for all Pa had been eating all the afternoon he took the second helping & he liked it too. I must now do my dishes the sun is going down. it looks like a warm day tomorrow.Ma
PS Saturday pleasant & warmer. I have just made some molasses cookies & put in a handful of bran they are fine 1 cup molasses 1/2 cup shortening 3 tablespoons of sugar 1/2 cup  milk 1 teaspoon soda tablespoon ginger. flour to hold soft. Ma a handful bran if you want it.