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Stoughton March 10th 1932
Dear Doris
     This is a regular Marchy day, first it blows + then the air is full of snow flurries. This afternoon the sun is shining out bright + warm + then a gust of wind to balance it. March is certainly a hateful month to live through.
     Pa is entertaining himself by drinking a warm drink + eating a warm bran muffin, that I had quietly put on the stove, thinking he might lift the corner of the dish + he would spy it he had not eaten any to day. two each day is the rule.
     The sitting room where I am writing this is warm + pleasant. the brick house does not take off a bit of sun from us, it is too high this time of the year. they are not at home afternoons much of the time. they ride a lot. I think if the old woman walked more, she would not be so big. she says herself it would be better for her. I guess by what she says, that she is a big eater too.
     It has'nt thawed any to day. I think it a trifle colder than it was yesterday. I hope it will be warm tomorrow.
     I have seen a bluejay go up into the little pine tree several times as if she were thinking of building her nest there. I hope if she does she wont build too high up so the crows can look down into it + rob the eggs. I hear them around every morning early they must