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be looking for grub in another month. the birds will be here building, & singing mornings. we look forward to them after a shut in winter. & the frogs peeping. they are frozen up. I should think after this cold week they might get more ice if they hadnt got their full supply allready [[already]].

Its funny they dont get some clue towards finding the Lindbergh baby. they told about Lindy's being born under a lucky star. I have always felt they would get it at last. but this suspence must be dreadful for them both. they certainly have help enough perhaps thats reason. fear somany [[so many]] watching all ways.

We never know these times when we are safe, with so much crime & quick getaway with it. the good old fashioned times are gone forever never to return.

Pa went up stairs after his feed & I dont hear a sound from him. he is not worried this week as he was last. he dont like this wind. the hot radiator scares him the most & still I keep it at 65.º but he begs to have me shut it off even then & still he enjoys a warm room.

Pa is still eating he cant control his appetite if he sees victuals. I have just called up Maude & she says they are all up in a muddle. they have to take their meals out, as their kitchen is all torn up. the painters & papers are there now she says they are coming up to see Arthur just as soon as they can. some body is after Ralph the live long time so she says. so this is all I can tell this time  Pa is reading his Enterprize.

This morning its much warmer 20°.