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Stoughton March 8th 1932
Dear Doris
     This has been a terrible blowey March day, but sunny this afternoon. not much snow after all just enough to make icy going. I hope it stops blowing when the sun goes down. a cloudy day tomorrow + a cold night to night is predicted by the weather man.
     I am sure that you got your share of this storm down there + it extended all the way up the coast + did a good deal of damage to shipping , so the paper says.
     We had oyster stew for supper + will have creamed oysters tomorrow night. Pa likes them creamed, better than in the stew. they are good either way. I forgot to ask George who they had for a housekeeper down to Jacks. no body is going to stay as long as Addie has two cranks are hard to live with.
     Pa is very quiet nowadays. he goes around the house + says nothing. but dont come near the sitting room. he wanted me to sit down with him up stairs, after I had my nap. but i thought the up stairs was not as pleasant. so I came down. he was lonesome + felt safer up stairs. I wanted to work down stairs in the sunnysooms. I will have to go down town tomorrow to get Bruces