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Stoughton March 8th 1932
Dear Doris
     Our snow storm got here three inches of snow + going hard. by spells it has been snowing since 10'oclock first rain then it turned into snow. I hope this will be the last snow storm. they may have to break out the roads in the morning but hope it dont keep on like this, for now it will gather fast.
     I went down to the little corner store just before the snow + got my bread in the nick of time. I have been busy sewing + reading some + cooking. Pa was wakeful again last night. he ate too much I think during the day + before going to bed. he dont have anything else to do, so he eats all the time + dont feel hungry for his meals. I was sorry to hear about Mrs Cs husband she seems to have more than her share of worry. I am glad you are satisfied with your room where you are working. I wish Sidney had more healthful quarters than that old basement to work in.
     I met Addie Ballentyne on the street coming home from the store, sh said that she had not seen me before all wonter, so you see I dont bother my neighbors so very much. they dont come near me + I dont go near any one calling. Pa would have a fit if there was