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any calls made either way. it  is growing cold + freezing every thing on the line. I left out towels + took in Pa's flannels + mine, so they would not freeze, they got dry on the radiator. The wind is resing so its going to be colder tomorrow the sun will shine + clear off cold so the radio + paper says.
     I got Lena's letter + will send it to you. she writes every week pretty faithful. she is lucky ro get in with such good people as the Peltengills, even if she does have that hateful Miss Garland to put up with two old maids. they are both to blame probably. but Lena is good at least + deserving of a better life.
     I hope you steer clear of the distemper around you in your office. Is Grace Southworth still down there living with her brother? I think Fred with a wife + home would be much happier. as he is now theres no object in life except to make money. he will need a home sometime + some one to take care of him in his old age. The baby will be pleased over her cat pictures. hope she will steer clear of any more colds + not take the flue thats going around there