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Stoughton March 6th 1932.
Dear Doris
This is a cloudy sunless day. its fixing for a storm. another snow storm I fear. but better come now than later. Pa is wandering from room to room. he did not sleep good last night. he was worried. I had a terrible sore throat after I ate my supper + all the first of the night. he kept asking me how it was + said I was in worse condition than he was. I laid it to the strawberry jello that I ate for supper. the collering in it. during the night it grew better + towards morning it had entirely disappeared. I was not worrying, he was stirred up over it, so he couldnt sleep. but he probably will make up for it tonight. I had a nap after dinner.
The papers are full of the Lindberghs baby abduction. I hope they will hear from it before it kills the mother. she will never get over the fight, its a great deal worse than death. the penalty ought to be severe for such an offence. 
This has been a long day + its only 3 o clock now. I got a paper to read + thats all the entertainment there is for me. Pa never looks at the Sunday Globe these days. he is uneasy for him today. walking from room to room he has put on his sweater.