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I was once to see Mrs. Ring about a letter Billie Southworth left here for William Fruin who died there years ago & she said [[Mrseraiek?]] mrs. Ballenines brother, was sick he had an attack of heart trouble a week ago & they thought he'd die the Dr was sent for & after working over him two hours he brought him out of it but I guess they are [[anxious]] about him yet.
Pa has just come down & after asking me if I am going to stay at home he goes up again mighty [[scart??]] to be left alone a minute.
I go to bed early right before eight & he is wake at four & then figits [fidgets] till give & then there is [[one?]] peace untill [until] I get up. No morning [[maf?]] in this house [[?]] he has been this way. There may come a time when a [[maf?]] after give O'clock I can enjoy but no one knows when.
So you see I can sympathize with you in [[haring?]] to wake up in the early morning. As she grows older she will have a room by herself where the child will realize that she must keep quiet & let her father & mother have their rest in the morning. Now she does not think of any such mind.
